Midnight in Sapphire City

Character interview with Eve from my series The Slave-Girl and the Vampire, adapting questions from the Vampire Lover Blog Award.

Francis James Franklin (Alina Meridon)

This follows on from Sunset in Sapphire City.


The moon is bright tonight, the sky cloudless, and being only March there’s a definite chill in the air, softened by the warmth of the room behind us. This balcony looks west to the distant sea over the outskirts of Sapphire City – now almost completely dark – and along the vale of the meandering River Phire. So still is the air tonight that the water is a perfect mirror in places, so that looking down we see up, the river a great crack in the shallow Earth through which we see infinite space, starlit and beautiful.

Eve is in a pensive mood tonight. We kissed tonight, and danced for hours, and generally convinced everyone, even my sister, that we were a couple, two young women in love, a bun in the oven already. I enjoyed the dancing, but I…

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Kariyne’s interview with the vampire Hrana

Character interview with Hrana from my Kings of Infinite Space, using questions from the Vampire Lover Blog Award.

Francis James Franklin (Alina Meridon)

Cover of my new novella Hrana

The advice for travellers passing through Essetta on the way to Oberno is to travel only during the day, and to spend the night in one of many welcoming Halls of the Sun, safe from marauding vampires within a palisade patrolled by armed guards. Those who heed this advice can be forgiven for wondering if the tales of vampires are exaggerated, a childish fear of the night by sun-worshipping tribes hiding in their hill-top fortresses.

But there is far more to Essetta than these honey-gatherers and tasle-pickers. To discover the heart and soul of Essetta you must brave the forests at night and seek out the nocturnal tribes. Do not do this lightly! Every year there are reports of travellers going missing in the night, and of bodies found drained of blood and some even violated in other ways.

Be sure to wear ribbons in your hair – white if…

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